The employee is obliged to do this no later than in the month in which the conditions entitling to receiving the benefit are met, but no sooner than 30 days before these conditions are met. Otherwise, ZUS may reject the application and it will not be possible to grant the benefit. According to ZUS, in addition to the EPOM application, the employee should also submit documents such as: information about.
Contributory and non-contributory periods, documents confirming periods of, among others: work/conducting non-agricultural activities/military service/receiving unemployment benefits/parental leave/studying at a university, documents phone number list confirming the performance of work in special/special conditions, documents confirming remuneration earned before January 1, 1999, a certificate from an occupational.

Medicine doctor confirming the inability to perform specific work. It is worth remembering that all conditions are regulated by the Act of December 19, 2008 on bridging pensions and can be referred to there. Changes in bridge pensions from 2023 From the beginning of 2023, the National Labor Inspectorate (PIP) will constantly monitor the list of jobs performed in special conditions or of a special nature.