What also quickly became clear to me is that this busyness is partly due to the large number of press releases they receive in a day. This varies from to . And then your message should just stand out. With the following tips you increase the chance up by serving journalists at their beck and call. Use it to your advantage! video player : : Tip . Deadlines and overkill: stand out and personal approach Because journalists receive many press releases every day, they are unable to open all of them.
An without the journalists opening your press release, the chance of publication is very small. Therefore, make sure that you stand out in the recipient's mailbox. The first words determine whether the journalist clicks on your press release or not. These words should photo editor cover relevance, but also generate interest. What can help with this is a personal accompanying email. The journalists I spoke to indicated that they are more likely to click with press releases with a personal salutation.

They said that they get the feeling that effort has been put into it and less like it is a general press release that ends up in the mailbox of hundreds of journalists. And giving journalists that feeling is important. Also read: Grab and hold that reader! x anti-drop writing tips Tip . Hold the journalist's attention What's the news? What can the journalist expect in the rest of the press release? It sounds easy, but it's not: writing a strong lead.